Contact Us

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Melinda Po
Chief Executive Officer, Mediabrands Greater China

[email protected]

19F Huaihai Plaza, 1045 Middle Huaihai Road, Shanghai 200031, China

North America

Daryl Lee
Global Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]

100 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001

Europe, the Middle East & Africa

Christian Johansen
Chief Executive Officer, EMEA
[email protected]

42 St John’s Square, Farringdon, London EC1M 4EA, United Kingdom


Leigh Terry
Chief Executive Officer, APAC
[email protected]

40A Orchard Road #04-01 MacDonald House Singapore 238838 Singapore

Latin America

Sergio Kessissian
Chief Executive Officer, LATAM
[email protected]

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 193-701, Col Granada, México, DF, 11520

Press Inquiries

For any press requests please email the Mediabrands China Communications team:

[email protected]

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