UM Innovation Annual ⑤|Digital Health

February 28, 2022 | Share this article

The acceleration of technology over the past year has caused a massive ripple effect, permanently shifting consumer lifestyles, expectations, and behaviors to a future-ready state. In response UM APAC created the Asia-Pacific Innovation Annual – taking a deep dive into the cutting-edge advancements in entertainment, commerce, digital health, and connectivity, that are catapulting the region and proving new opportunities

The acceleration of technology over the past year has caused a massive ripple effect, permanently shifting consumer lifestyles, expectations, and behaviors to a future-ready state. In response UM APAC created the Asia-Pacific Innovation Annual – taking a deep dive into the cutting-edge advancements in entertainment, commerce, digital health, and connectivity, that are catapulting the region and proving new opportunities

UM Innovation Annual ③丨The Future of Retail in APAC

January 24, 2022 | Share this article

The acceleration of technology over the past year has caused a massive ripple effect, permanently shifting consumer lifestyles, expectations, and behaviors to a future-ready state. In response UM APAC created the Asia-Pacific Innovation Annual – taking a deep dive into the cutting-edge advancements in entertainment, commerce, digital health, and connectivity, that are catapulting the region and proving new

UM Innovation Annual ① | China Embraces Connected Cars

January 13, 2022 | Share this article

The acceleration of technology over the past year has caused a massive ripple effect, permanently shifting consumer lifestyles, expectations, and behaviors to a future-ready state. In response UM APAC created the Asia-Pacific Innovation Annual – taking a deep dive into the cutting-edge advancements in entertainment, commerce, digital health, and connectivity, that are catapulting the region and proving new opportunities

UM Innovation Annual ②|VR Flourishes in B2B Use Cases

January 13, 2022 | Share this article

The acceleration of technology over the past year has caused a massive ripple effect, permanently shifting consumer lifestyles, expectations, and behaviors to a future-ready state. In response UM APAC created the Asia-Pacific Innovation Annual – taking a deep dive into the cutting-edge advancements in entertainment, commerce, digital health, and connectivity, that are catapulting the region and proving new opportunities for

近日,备受行业瞩目的中国广告营销大奖和TopDigital创新营销奖正式揭晓。UM优盟凭借澳大利亚旅游局案例——澳大利亚 8D 全景“声”之旅脱颖而出,一举摘得中国广告营销大奖一金一银一铜,以及TopDigital创新营销奖一银。 UM优盟:澳大利亚8D全景“声”之旅 2021中国广告营销大奖 年度社交营销 金奖 年度城市旅游营销 银奖 年度整合营销 铜奖 2021TopDigital创新营销奖 常规竞赛单元原生广告 银奖   在旅游限制的当下,大多数的海外旅游局已暂缓在中国的广告活动,或者转向直播的形式来吸引中国旅行者。然而,澳大利亚旅游局选择以截然不同的方式与高价值旅行者互动。我们利用社交平台进行传播,通过沉浸式的视频影音将澳大利亚最独特的景色带给旅行者。在大自然的挑战和国际政治局势的不明朗的情况下,澳大利亚旅游局仍将信息完整传达给旅行者,让他们在了解澳大利亚的同时,也增加了其在社交平台上对澳大利亚旅游的关注度。 我们通过6支8D沉浸式全景视频展现了澳大利亚彩虹般的色彩及各种独特的异域之声,带领观赏者进行了一场身临其境的「澳」式感官之旅,让观赏者沉浸于乌卢鲁的独特景观,又或是悉尼歌剧院的愉悦声响。每部视频都有不同的颜色表示,观看者可以选择自己喜欢的颜色,感受色彩与声音的和谐共鸣。 在发布六支8D宣传视频前,我们首先于澳大利亚旅游局的社交平台上发布预告视频,接着通过无广告字样的原生广告在马蜂窝、携程及抖音平台进行传播。同时邀请旅行及生活类KOL于自媒体 (哔哩哔哩、抖音、小红书、微博和微信)上发布与8D共鸣的内容。此外,我们还在上海举办了2020年度澳大利亚旅游局媒体午宴。更与智族GQ及漫旅进行內容合作,覆盖8D广告、内容营销及商业策略等内容。


July 7, 2021 | Share this article

Covid-19 has accelerated the speed of digital disruption, and the travel industry has been hit as never before. At the same time, consumer behavior has undergone fundamental changes. At the 7th GDMS – Global Digital Marketing Summit, Lawrence Wan, CEO of UM China, hosted a fireside chat joined by Fred Luan, Tourism Australia Regional Marketing Director, and Matt Liao, Shangri-La

UM Takes Home Top Honors: Campaign Global AOY Awards

May 13, 2021 | Share this article

UM is among the most awarded agencies in Campaign’s 2020 Global Agency of the Year Awards. UM WW has been crowned Global Media Agency of the Year and UM Global CEO Eileen Kiernan was recognized as a finalist in the agency leader category, while UM APAC has been named Best of the Best: Media Network. The winners span


April 30, 2021 | Share this article

While Western consumers start to reinvent their digital contexts as they retreat from public social platforms into more private channels, Chinese consumers have been far ahead in the process of recreating various offline social contexts online. In comparison to the West, where social platforms like Facebook and Twitter dominates, Chinese consumers have always enjoyed a


April 30, 2021 | Share this article

The internet as we know it is about to become a lot more fragmented, as countries take varying approaches to regulate tech platforms and protect data privacy. The development of the so-called “Splinternet” provides an opportunity for China to expand the border of its internet and enhance the international reach of its digital ecosystem. The world has already